Let People Know About Danger!
Do you have an area in your parking lot that is fine during the Summer, Fall and Spring, but is dangerous when it hits winter? This can be an unpaved area or an area that is landscaped nicely during the year, but when the snow flies it gets covered and people are likely to step there and have the chance to hurt themselves? If your commercial snow removal company in Denver isn’t helping to mark these areas, you need to consider marking these areas out yourself. These small little liabilities are the sorts or things you need to keep in mind so your customers stay safe as well as your employees.
If you have your parking lot plowed and the snow all goes to this dangerous area, there obviously isn’t much to worry about, but we see it too often where a customer has a dangerous area that they haven’t marked off when the snow flies. Why doesn’t your snow plowing company just do it? Several reasons.
- We have 50 to 100 clients to work through and remembering where all these areas are, even with digital pictures, would be super difficult.
- If we mark before the snow flies, it would look awful.
The marking of dangerous areas is something you should do, it keeps your clients safe and is very important to consider. If you are considering a snow plowing company in Denver, please consider giving us a call!