Check Your Snow Plowing Bills
It’s time to get ready for the snow to fly here in Denver. Have you looked at your snow plowing bills from last winter? It is a good idea! Why? Because sometimes you will see charges in December were different than March. Why? If you had a contract, that’s a great question!! Some of the snow plows in Denver are good at driving a truck, but they aren’t as good at the business portion. Why do we say this? Some of the biggest search terms online as related to snow plowing in Denver were the following:
How to Bill Snow Plowing in Denver
Denver Snow Plowing, How Much do I Charge?
Charging for Snow Plowing In Denver
Now, if these are some of the top terms for Snow Plowing in Denver, this is not a good sign as a business owner. It means a lot of the people who want to plow your lot don’t even know how to charge you. If they don’t even know this basic principle, how will they know how to buy the appropriate insurance for snow plowing in Denver or managing the workload for those heavy snowfalls?
That’s why you should call us. We have been in the commercial snow removal business in Denver long enough that we don’t have to search the web for how much we should charge!